About Us

David Godwin

David has been an agent for thirty years. He previously worked as a publisher at Heinemann, Secker and Warburg and then Cape.

Philippa Sitters

Philippa is a literary agent at DGA. You can contact her on philippa@davidgodwinassociates.co.uk. To see a list of Philippa’s clients, click here.

Aparna Kumar

Aparna is a literary agent at DGA and is looking to fill her list with literary fiction and creative non-fiction. She can be contacted on Aparna@davidgodwinassociates.co.uk

Sebastian Godwin

Sebastian is a literary agent at DGA. He can be contacted on sebastian@davidgodwinassociates.co.uk

Heather Godwin

Heather is a Director at DGA and edits works for pre-existing clients - she does not accept submissions. 

Rachel Taylor

Rachel is the agent’s assistant at DGA. If you’d like to contact any of our clients or make any other inquiries please email rachel@davidgodwinassociates.co.uk